Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Update!

Well, I'm getting bigger every day (apparently a centimeter each week.) My regular pants no longer fit, so I’m down to two pairs of awesome maternity pants. I don’t think I'm at the terribly uncomfortable stage yet, but I’m sure it will be here soon. Overall, I feel lucky that the baby is healthy and I’m still able to work, exercise, etc.

My next doctor’s appointment is on Monday, January 2nd. After that I will go every two weeks. Ben and I begin our baby classes in about a week and we are also going to get some professional pictures taken. I’m so excited!

Oh and most of you know, but just in case I forgot anyone….it’s a girl!


  1. Hey your blog's lookin' good. I'm glad you're baby's healthy too. :)

  2. So great to hear this awesome Announcement! You and Ben will be such great parents! Lucky little one!

  3. I am so excited! I love your blog, very cute! Love you guys!

  4. Yay! Joy and Ben as parents... this has made me very happy! I am so excited I have your blog to check and get updates. Marcus and I are expecting a girl too but in March! That's crazy! Keep us updated! How's teaching and where are you living?

    Love, Brittany (Mann) Baker

  5. YAY! A Girl! Congratulations, that is so exciting!!!
