Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pictures @ 30 Weeks

I thought it would be a good idea to take some pre-baby pictures, plus I wanted to document how big my belly is getting...and still 8 more weeks to grow! Here are a few of my favorites.


  1. I liked that pictures, they are lovely :)

    Congratulations from Argentina!

  2. Joy! I was so, so, so excited to hear from you. We think of you guys all the time and often wonder how you are doing and what you are up to. I'm so glad now that we can keep in touch! Congrats on the new baby. You are the cutest preggo gal ever--love the pics! I can't wait to see Little Miss Lee. I know she'll be gorgeous!

    I've enjoyed reading your posts. You are so cute. Don't worry at all about the delivery. I did have an epidural and delivering wasn't that bad at all. I kept saying, "This isn't at all like you see on TV." The nurses would laugh and say, "That's because you have an epidural." It's all about what you feel comfortable doing, but don't feel guilty if you decide to have an epidural. I'm definitely a big fan. :) The recovery wasn't as bad as I was expecting either. It's all scary because it's new, but don't let other people freak you out. You'll do great! You guys will love being parents--it's the most amazing thing.

    I'll be checking back often! We miss you.

  3. Great pictures! How fun! Dave and I like them, Dave especially likes Ben's beard...his exact words were "Ha, Ben and his beard..." These will be nice to have to look back on after you guys have 8 kids. :) We miss you!

  4. Wow you are such a hot mamma! You look really cute and the pics are so cute. You'll have to tell Ben he's gunna have to shave the beard or he's going to scare the baby! Hopefully we will get to Utah in April and see you guys and your baby girl.

  5. Wow Ben is such a hot dadda and looks insanely cute. Tell him the beard is a must keeper and the baby will love it! TTYL, oh and let him play COD more .. geez you got him on a short leash.
